Imaginary Reality
rainbow hair, wallpaper, color photographs, white hair, paper
About the Work & the Artist
I was born in Sunny Los Angeles, California in 1980 and found
myself later relocating to Providence, Rhode Island in 2001. In being a native Californian I feel both my culture and environment have strongly influenced my art. My desire to capture imaginative composition led me to a study of photography throughout all of high school and later at Santa Monica College. There, I gained a much needed knowledge of the structure and science of photographic arts. After gaining a strong foundation I began to infuse my work with the color and flavor of my eclectic and eccentric imag
My work is contemporary and studied; everything is by design. A wide-ranging influence of styles in art, photography, fashion, creative locations, and set design, as well as traditional and pop culture inform my perspective. My trademarks of color, composition, and lighting are apparent as consistent threads throughout my work. All of these serve as a strong narrative in each piece.
Attention to detail and artful manipulation of the medium elevate my work beyond just photography. This process involves the creation of building sets, designing costumes and scouting unique locations. Each element is thought out and carefully placed as part of the story. In a sense, these sets and locations are installations and a platform for performance art constructed and acted solely by myself and my subjects. Through the addition of characters, my portraits show a deep interest in the human expression. Through the lens I create strange beauty and satire, eliciting emotional and social responses. Frozen in time through photography, the work becomes a window into a fantastic dream world, drawing my
audience in.
In my world I take these icons from their original context and superimpose them into a new one, contrasting the traditional with the contemporary at times. My images are fresh and lively, and it is clear that I have as much fun making them, as the spectator has viewing them.